Okay, I know it’s been a while since I’ve written to you. The only excuse I have is that I have been busy getting “Anne of Survivor” ready for all of you while working with my artist, Sprinkle Neko, to finalize a cover for “Anne of Ryland.” Yes, people there is a sequel to “Anne of Survivor!” Exciting, no? Of course it is. 😊 However, that is all I am going to say about the second installment of Anne because this blog is not about my writing but the zombie apocalypse. Yesss…
So I was thinking yesterday about all my preparations for the zombie apocalypse and how crazy it is. I mean, do I really think there’ll be one? Nah. But whenever I think about survival, I don’t consider terrorism, attack from foreign world leaders, bio-warfare; you know, things that are more likely to happen. Nope. I always think of zombies. Seriously. I know I’m going to head up to the mountains, I have a friend who has promised me a cow and several chickens, I’ve read about how to build a mud oven, and the last time I shot a rifle; I was pretty darn good.
“First Rule of Zombieland… Cardio.” (From the movie… Zombieland)
Heading to Gym (nobody tryin’ to look cute at Planet Fitness… just getting a run in.)
Okay, is that the only reason I go to the gym? Of course not. The main reason I hit the gym is because I’m getting older and I love to eat. Cardio isn’t just good for out running zombies, it’s also good for a healthy heart. Now, I will admit that I am NOT a runner. I HAAATE running. In fact, my sister, Owusuwaa, ran track in high school, and her coach was always trying to get me on the track team. I finally told him that I would run if he found someone to chase me with the intent to do harm. Well… zombies fit that bill; I think. So, for a healthy heart, to burn calories, and to outrun zombies, I go to the gym.
As for the zombie bit, seriously, mah dudes? Again, I don’t believe in zombies… as they are in the movies. The history behind zombies, however, is really interesting, but outside of that… I think people should concern themselves with problems IRL. I get that life is hard and the solutions to world problems are never clean cut, neat, and adorned with roses. As crazy as it sounds, I think preparing for a zombie apocalypse is easier. Why? Well, because it is pretty clean cut. It’s totally kill, run, or be eaten. Oh… and pray they’re not the fast as shit zombies Brad Pitt was up against. Yeeaahh… I don’t think I can run that fast. 😓